Al-Basher Foundation for Development is a non-profit, social, humanitarian Organisation that operates within civil society organisations’ scope and seeks to achieve its humanitarian, educational, and health goals by peaceful means. We exercise our activities following the laws and legislations enforced in Iraq, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, sect, or intellectual and political beliefs.

Why Al-Basher Foundation for Development?

Promote human development in various forms for all segments of society, especially in poor and marginalised areas.

Spreading the spirit of cooperation and social solidarity, and embodying the meanings of benevolence, compassion and fruitful cooperative work among the community.

Spreading a health culture and providing medical and therapeutic services and assistance, especially in the areas of the poor, the needy, and the oppressed.

Improving the educational infrastructure and conditions of study and enriching the curricula by keeping pace with modernity by introducing modern technology in schools.

Contributing to building a civilised society on the foundations of freedom, peace, democracy and social justice, disseminating and implementing human rights standards and consolidating the principles of brotherhood, friendship and dialogue among the components of society.

Paying attention to women rights, caring for and educating the family, highlighting the positive role of women in all fields, empowering them socially and economically, activating their role in public life and exercising their civil rights.

Developing the capabilities of people with special needs and those who are unemployed and providing them with the expertise that enables them to manage small to medium businesses or obtain job opportunities in various fields to be able to integrate within the society.